Chemistry’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Action Plan

This action plan is a living document. We have broadly divided our efforts into 2 categories: I. Education and self-awareness around issues of social justice issues for faculty and staff and II. Creating and fostering a diverse and inclusive environment within the chemistry community. Initiatives are at different stages of planning and execution, so check back for updates and links to follow our progress. We expect ongoing revisions and adjustments and invite community feedback.

Chemistry Department DEI Activities


I. Education and self-awareness around issues of social justice

A. Form a Committee of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) within the Chemistry Department

B. Establish a formal Departmental service position of faculty DEI Committee Chair

C. Encourage the DEI Committee to work closely with the seminar coordinator to ensure diversity of speakers from off campusand programming on DEI issues

D. Devote time during regular Department meetings to discuss issues of DEI

E. Hold forums with students and student groups (e.g. CSAC, BSTEM, OURSTEM+) to discuss their experiences and Departmental culture

F. Make a practice of setting individual goals for specific anti-racist practices each semester and hold each other accountable

G. Develop shared resources to incorporate anti-racist practices into teaching and advising

II. Creating a diverse, inclusive environment within the chemistry community

A. Offer diverse seminars – both in content and speakers’ identities

B. Formalize DEI and ethics training for research students

C. Develop and implement TA/tutor training around DEI issues

D. Ensure that TAs/tutors are broadly representative of, and well-positioned to serve, the Department’s student body

E. Create multiple avenues for ongoing feedback from students

1. Survey Department alumni about their experiences with Departmental culture
2. Add a question about course culture regarding DEI to SCS forms
3. Discuss student feedback regularly in DEI Committee meetings and during Department meeting at least annually

F. Create a resource describing best practices and guidelines for collaborative work (study groups, lab groups, etc.) that support the learning, achievement and inclusion of all students. Encourage faculty to incorporate these into course policies.

G. Address DEI in research groups and course

1. Add DEI statements to websites and course syllabi
2. Identify and discuss DEI issues across all practices and policies where they are relevant